League System Overview
The Credit Union League System refers to the partnership of individual credit union leagues and their subsidiaries across the country. While each of these state-level associations serves to support the best interests of the credit unions in their respective states, the Credit Union League System reflects the commitment among all credit union leagues to work together in support of a thriving credit union industry.
View a map of the individual leagues that make up the Credit Union League System.
A strong Credit Union League System is critical for many reasons, including:
State Legislation Influences Other State and Federal Legislation
CU-friendly state laws are essential to enable credit unions to best serve their members. This includes mitigating the passage of legislation with unintended negative impact on credit unions. Plus, when it comes to tax battles, lessons learned in one state can help defend the tax status in other states!
Relationships with Regulators
A strong state regulatory system fosters a strong federal regulatory system – and vice versa! Leagues ensure that regulators understand the unique needs of credit unions and their impact on the communities they serve.
Relationships with Federal Legislators
Many of the credit union industry’s biggest supporters among federal lawmakers stem from relationships forged earlier in the legislator’s career, at the state level. Leagues are invested in relationship building at all levels, from local school boards and city councils all the way to Capitol Hill.